
How do I pay for membership? 
All monthly fees and balances must be paid within 30 days of statement to avoid a late payment charge. Statements will be issued monthly.

If I want to cancel my membership, how would I do that?
Written notice is required to resign from membership. Cancellation will be effective 30 days after the first of the following month from which the cancellation was received. No refunds on yearly membership paid in advance if membership is terminated.

What is your guest policy?
A member may bring in a guest 10 times per year. Guest fee is $25.  All guests are asked to sign our guest book upon entering the club.


Where can I park?
There is parking in front of the building, behind the building (in designated Squash Zone spots) and on the road. Please don’t park in our neighbor’s spots.

Can we use the classroom area for business?
Yes. When Squash on Track is not using the classroom area, members are welcome to use that area for business or as a quiet space for homework, etc.